Article: How Much Money Does It Take to Become a Farmer?

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Article: How Much Money Does It Take to Become a Farmer?

July 13, 2017

Article: How Much Money Does It Take to Become a Farmer?

Introduction written by Jeff Livesay:

I ran across this article last week and thought about how diverse and talented one has to be to successfully run a farm. This is a well written summary of the skill set and capital it takes to enter into farming, and a good comparison to entering into other industries. The article states that a person needs to be a good biologist, engineer, equipment operator, accountant, carpenter, mechanic, financier, and grain marketer. That is quite a unique and diverse background, not to mention the capital requirements and work ethic required! With the average age of a farmer being 60 years of age in the U.S., it is more important than ever to entice young individuals into the farming and agribusiness industry.