Management & Tax Concepts – Summer Edition

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Management & Tax Concepts – Summer Edition

May 23, 2022

Management & Tax Concepts – Summer Edition

Take a look at the Summer Edition Management & Tax Concepts. Here’s a brief glance at what you’ll find in the Summer issue

Tax strategies for cryptocurrency investors

Cryptocurrency gains and losses exist only on paper until investors realize them by selling or exchanging their investments. This article explains that investors who expect to realize net capital gains this year may want to harvest losses to offset those gains by selling cryptocurrency or other investments that have declined in value. It also notes that a big advantage of selling cryptocurrency is that it isn’t currently subject to the prohibition on wash sales. A sidebar points out, however, that the Build Back Better Act, which at press time was stalled in the Senate, would extend the wash sale rule to cryptocurrency.

How to guard against payment app fraud

Payment apps, also known as peer-to-peer payment services, allow users to make instant payments to individuals and businesses outside of the traditional banking system. Unfortunately, the growing use of payment apps also has led to higher incidences of fraud associated with them. Fraudsters are taking advantage of two of the biggest benefits of using the apps — speed and convenience — and are using them against consumers. This article offers some tips to help consumers avoid being scammed.

An invaluable tool

Use a valuation to help your business stay competitive
In a complex and volatile economic climate such as this, it’s important for business owners to use all the tools at their disposal to ensure their businesses stay on top of their game — especially when seeking financing to support ongoing operations or future expansion. This article highlights the importance of obtaining a professional business valuation — both in obtaining funding and in helping owners analyze their businesses’ current challenges, opportunities and expected cash flow.

Selling business property? Don’t overlook the purchase price allocation

The allocation of a property’s value between the building and the land can have significant tax implications for the property’s seller. This article explains that this is because gains on the sale of business property — to the extent of depreciation taken or allowed — is taxable at ordinary income tax rates up to 25%. The article notes that if the owner can demonstrate that most or all of the gain is attributable to increases in the value of the land, he or she may be able to reduce the tax burden significantly.

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